Alice Mizrachi Website \\ Facebook \\ Instagram \\ Twitter
Alice Mizrachi is a New York based artist. Her practice includes work as a muralist, fine artist, educator, and curator. Mizrachi explores both the spiritual and physical dimensions of being human, and in particular, female. Often times, the female figure in various mythical iterations intersects with earthbound feminine forms as a means to communicate social consciousness. Mizrachi’s intentions include the empowerment of self and others through artistic expression, as well as advocacy for women, youth, and the environment.
Alice has worked with multiple organizations, including: BRIC Arts, The Laundromat Project, The Studio Museum, HI-ARTS, Miami Light Project, Brown University, and The Devos Institute. Her artwork has been featured at the Museum of the City of New York, the National Women’s Museum and Albright-Knox Museum; and, in a variety of publications. Alice received a BFA from Parsons School of Design and grants from The Puffin Foundation and The Ford Foundation.
Photographs by Mark Deff, Thomas Flint, Helio Sun Photography and Jason Wilder, please contact WALL\THERAPY for more information.