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Binho Ribeiro, one of the pioneers of street art in Brasil and Latin America since 1984. The artist always receives respect everywhere that he goes: Santiago, Buenos Aires, Osaka, Tokyo, Paris, Los Angeles, Quito, Lima, Turin, Cape Town, Hong Kong, Beijing, Amsterdam, Bruxels, Accra, Beirut, New York and almost all the Brazilian states have seen a piece of his talent.
Fabio Luiz Santos Ribeiro a.k.a. Binho Ribeiro develop a single appeal of expression, giving life to all the elements of his creations. It’s not adrift that his bold style illustrated the packs of Nescau (Chocolate powder brand), advertising of Ford, Brasil Telecom (Phone company), Motorola, Red Bull, Nestlé, Nike, Skol (Beer’s brand), Ecko Unlimited, Guaraná Antártica (Brazilian Refrigerant), Sony, Colorgim, Bob Burnquist, Spoleto (Italian Style Restaurant), Shell, Ferrari, Johnnie Walker, Madonna and inter alia.
Photographs by Mark Deff, Erich Lehman and Jason Wilder, please contact WALL\THERAPY for more information.