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The art of Dutch artist Handiedan (1981, Netherlands) involves a complex cut and paste mixture of computer montage and highly detailed sculptural hand cut collages.
Build out of multiple classic pin-up body parts, the female form stands out over a backdrop of baroque and Victorian Neo-Classicism designs. All culled from international currencies and stamps, antique sheet music ornaments, playing cards, cigar bands, Asian papers with personal items and drawings.
Intricate and meticulously crafted, the collages represent the gradual accumulation of both the layers in her work and her work process self.
Handiedan first builds up her digital design out of the gathered collage material and drawings.
Then she rebuilds the design into a meticulously crafted multi layered handcut collage with precisely added items. A complex visual puzzle and labyrinth of collage and paper layers, interchangeably intermixed, that stands out in relief.
With a background in photographic design, illustration and graphic design, Handiedan started working as a mixed media collage artist in 2007.
In 2011 she took her collage artwork outside the gallery for the first time, with a large scale wheat paste collage.
Photographs by Mark Deff, Jenn Poggi, Jason Wilder and Erich Lehman, please contact WALL\THERAPY for more information.