NEVERCREW Website \\ Facebook \\ Instagram \\ Twitter
NEVERCREW is a street artists duo from Switzerland, composed by Christian Rebecchi & Pablo Togni. They work together since 1996. They both frequented the art school in Lugano (CH) and the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milano (I), graduating in 2005. Since the beginning they started working on many media, but focusing on murals in a different way beside the usual 90’s concept of graffiti.Actually NEVERCREW work both with two-dimensional and tridimensional, realizing paintings, sculptures and installations. The main part of their process turns around their “living structures”, mechanisms (intended in their purely mechanical or more figurative sense) that they consider as models of living systems and that are based on the idea of section, composition, communication and relationship between parts.This path led NEVERCREW to develop their current approach and to create artworks in many cities of the world (as for example: Hamburg City Canvas ’14, Belgrade, Cairo, Berlin, Winterthur Urban Art Festival ’14 and the Facebook EMEA HQ in Dublin).
Photographs courtesy of the artist, please contact WALL\THERAPY for more information.