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WALL\THERAPY mural project is now recognized worldwide. People from 2000+ cities in 104+ countries have visited the WALL\THERAPY site to learn more. New mural artists from around the world ask about painting Rochester, for the first time or for another time.
3500 cans of spray paint and 400 gallons of paint later, over 60 of the most talented and recognized artists from the region, the nation, and the world have shared their talents to create over 100 murals throughout the city of Rochester since this “Visual Intervention” project began in 2011.

Why does WALL\THERAPY need your help?
Making all of this happen year after year takes a lot. With a core team of 13 members, our 50+ expanded team that makes this project happen are all volunteer, but the materials, equipment, and artists to make it all happen require financial support. Your donations go towards the paint for many large-scale walls, renting construction lifts to safely access and paint those same large-scale walls, and the travel expenses, hospitality and a very modest honorarium for the 15 professional artists that will share their talent with the project this Summer.
WALL\THERAPY was created thanks entirely to financial and volunteer donations from its many supporters. We are asking again for assistance to continuing this forward momentum, to continue to bring unique artists to our city to help inspire and to heal.
Your continued support will allow us to support the local and international artists as they produce visually compelling murals in the Rochester cityscape, in turn improving and strengthening our thriving community.
What your donation means directly to the cause:
For every $15 you donate, we can provide an artist with about 3 cans of spray paint.
For every $25 you donate the money goes for 4-5 cans of spray paint or a gallon bucket of primer
For every $50 that means we can purchase paint brushes, rollers, buckets and cover other supply expenses.
Donations of $150 or more helps the team supply the artist with food and water as they paint their murals.
Donations of $500 or more helps us rent a mechanical lift for the week, and our artists don’t have to stand precariously on a ladder to paint.
Should you donate $1000, that money goes directly to plane tickets and any sort of car rental needed for the artists
If you donate $5000, you are not just solidifying WALL\THERAPY this year and becoming a producer of this event, but you will be instrumental in helping us start focusing on the humanitarian endeavor and sister initiative known as IMPACT!